Java Language Education,
faculty of Language and Art,
Yogyakarta State University


This research will describe about teaching for young generation according to Jawanese book. Children have to be given good lessons, such as morality, spirituality, humanity and society. The clasic literature advise everyone to do nice behaviour in their community. Paku Buwana IX who wrote serat wulang putra is very popular among Javanese. The King of Surakarta palace makes development for his country. Historically he gives herritage literature.  Therefore we can use local wisdom as guidance of life everiday.

Keywords: Life, teaching, young 

A. Introduction

The concept of Javanese teachings is always related to the value of virtue. Human journeys come and go. So it takes a serious effort to foster the younger generation.

Scientific transformation is useful for giving a good direction to the pace of civilization. Each generation has a different experience. From a historical perspective, it contains a wealth of experience. Young people have the right to be coached.

For future generations, the collective experience is a valuable lesson. This awareness was understood by Paku Buwana IX. This Surakarta king who ruled from 1861-1893 composed the Serat Wulang Putra (Krisnina Mahanani Tanjung, 2015: 70).

The Sastra Piwulang book is a teaching that can be used as a guide to foster the younger generation, so that the future remains managed.

Future expectations are related to scientific management. They are strategic groups who are the owners of the future. Provision to manage the future must be sufficient. Their insights, skills, abilities are useful to drive a superior civilization.

There are examples for young people, one of whom is the knight figure in the Ramayana story, namely Anoman who is full of heroism.

This story is very popular. This character has a good mentality (Suwardi, 2015: 110). Literary works are relevant as a guide today. Educators who are tasked with teaching young people are very appropriate to refer to classical Javanese literature. The development of the younger generation should indeed be based on local wisdom that has been passed down by ancestors.

B. Improving the Quality of Science

Young people need to know to be successful. There is social science, association, bureaucracy, love for the homeland and leadership. Scientific transformation is enough to study diligently.

Intelligent and responsive to problems must be considered. In Tembang kinanthi, there is good advice.


mring bumi tulus tinandur, 

kang darmanireng wadya lit, 

lumaksana tan reksa, 

satitah narimeng ati, 

miturut tanpa leleda, 

widadanireng praja di.

It means :

arable land,

as the actions of the little people,

who walk hopelessly,

all received with a sincere heart,

surrender without fighting,

safety in the country

The interpretation of this song can be used by the leader as a provision for devotion. The younger generation needs to know and explore the system in the surrounding environment. Youth coaching requires references.

Indonesian society needs values that are oriented towards the spirit of the work, values that emphasize exploration, frugality and a competitive spirit (Koentjaraningrat, 2002: 68). More than that, a teaching system that fosters discipline. The community map can be analyzed accurately, effectively and efficiently.

The Javanese community he leads is very confident. The decisions taken will be profitable. The younger generation as heirs of civilization can learn from their predecessors. Javanese teachings give advice to young people.


Kayuwanan ing sakayun, 

mamayu isining bumi, 

mardawa darunanira, 

riringane wus rinukti, 

tan pepeka lumaksana, 

pinardi dimen lestari. 

It means :

all ideas Executed,

 happy earth,

with the aim of embellishing,

everything is taken care of,

not carelessly walking,

be careful to be sustainable.

The sociological aspect is beneficial when studied. In the past, Javanese society was divided into four classifications. The priyayi group consists of government officials, employees, activists. They become social administrators. Energy and thoughts are devoted to the public interest.

Society respects priyayi because of devotion, example, sincerity, perseverance and skill. All professions demand achievement.

Awareness of social classification makes it easier to move. The position of the priyayi was very respectable. So human quality is a social issue that needs reasonable attention (Ignas Kleden, 1988: 105). The position of the peasants is related to the factors of production. For that young people learn to appreciate all skills.

Any profession must be professional. They produce to meet basic needs. While the arts are tasked with providing entertainment to the public. While the function of students to become spiritual dignity. The scientific transformation of young people is accompanied by practical skills.

C. Youth Skill Supply 

Skills are needed at all times and ages. So science is an important element for the younger generation to face the future. Don't let young people face life empty-handed. In fact, that respect is manifested in the form of material objects. Capital is important to note.

Progress is achieved by science. Improving human resources should pay attention to the education system for social justice (Francis Wahono, 2001: 83). The necessities of life are met by working. From work activities, a person gets rewarded. In fact, material rewards are a form of appreciation for services rendered. It's fair to get a decent reward.

Therefore, services need weighty knowledge. The higher the quality, the higher the score will be. The rewards are flowing. Regarding skills and abilities, Javanese leaders gave wise advice.


Wus winawas ing jaman samangkin, 

akeh wong mangarti basaning liyan, 

kapiran basane dhewe, 

jamake wong met kawruh, 

den salesih wajibireki, 

den manggon tekadira, 

ywa was-wasing kalbu, 

iku lagi ngupoyoa, 

kawruh liyan dadi busaneng nagri, 

ywa malbu kalbunira. 

It means:

Already seen in the future,

people learn a lot of knowledge,

but do not know their own knowledge,

it is normal for people to seek knowledge,

must be diligent in their duties,

must be sincere in heart,

don't worry,

it's all worked out

then seek, another experience as a mirror of the country,

penetrated deep inside.

The interpretation of this song is related to scientific transformation for young people. The community has collective skills that have been handed down from generation to generation. The cultural heritage is in the form of traditions, procedures, ceremonies, customs. Each has equipment.

The younger generation should know the types of ceremonies and equipment. The symbolic meaning needs to be studied.

The younger generation should be willing to learn. From the many events, various needs for goods and services will emerge. Rental of goods and services of various kinds. it becomes a traditional ceremony property business opportunity that is available in abundance. Just do a systematic study.

Javanese customs consist of various forms. The culture of a society has a function to connect humans with the natural surroundings (Sutiyono, 2009: 1). The habit of doing work on an ongoing basis should be done voluntarily. Internships can sharpen skills. Provision of important skills for young people.

You can earn a living through the skills you have. At the peak of skill, one becomes unrivaled by any party. That is what is called a professional. The following mijil song is very appropriate to ponder.


wahyu iku nora anabani, 

manungsa kang adoh, 

marang ingkang sinengitan lire, 

yekti tiba mring kang den senengi, 

mulane wong ngabdi, 

minta kasihipun. 

It means:

The advantage is not given,

In humans far away,

what you don't like, that means

will fall on those who are favored,

that's why people work

have a lot of compassion.

Lessons in the mijil song can be used as a reference for all the young generation. When skilled workers are abundant, the community will be independent.

That is the form of inner and outer well-being. With the transformation of science, these lofty ideals can be realized.

D. Organizing Life with Knowledge

The future for the younger generation is very important. Parents are obliged to provide knowledge so that young people have mature preparation. The maturity of a person can be measured by how far he can make a move.

Therefore, one could think about whether the move was useful or not. All plans and applications are carefully calculated, Both for yourself and for others. Young people must know the culture.

It is a person's right to learn from others. Responsibility has sensitivity, it is related to one's feelings, prestige and self-esteem. A sense of social responsibility can be fostered through social institutions in the surrounding environment.

Every social group has a tradition. Mediating the relationship between art and society should pay attention to technological factors, social institutions and historical social conditions (Jazuli, 2013: 55). Planning to build a household is an important phase of life. Age development demands a more mature attitude.

Basic management must be orderly. Javanese doctrine gives advice in the gambuh song. Aesthetic formula that contains ethical values.


Tan bisa owah iku, 

sabab tanpa

angen angenipun

yen manungsa, pinunjul titahing Widhi, 

mbok menawa bisa nglebur, 

alane pating calorong. 

It means :

can't change,

cause without a will,

human beings of God,

then it can melt

deficiencies can be observed.

Economic problems are a reality that everyone must face. Income and expenses must be balanced. The size of the economy concerns expenditure and income.

Thrifty makes rich, diligent makes smart. No wasted spending. If it falls in the economy, the family will be miserable. Community peace is a shared task.

Young people's knowledge is useful for facing the future. People naturally want to pay attention to the cultural environment so that harmony occurs (Marbangun Hardjowirogo, 1979: 9). Thoughts related to aspects of management need to be studied.

The balance of rights and obligations is useful for harmony. These children will later replace the role of the older generation. Of course, adequate training is needed.

Family-based scientific transformation of children. That's how family management needs to be done. Young people can read carefully.


Wus watake wong taruna, 

keras budi kurang titi, 

mung karep ubyang ubyungan, 

sayah nora antuk mingsil, 

barang kang den karemi, 

mirungga ginawe perlu, 

anebih mring wong tuwa, 

wedi lamun den srengeni, 

wus rumangsa lamun durung nuting karsa. 

It means:

It's the nature of young people,

conscientious, indecisive,

just happy to go here and there

tired with no results

all that pleases,

much unnecessary,

away from parents,

for fear of being scolded,

have felt but not obeyed.

The interpretation of this sinom song is suitable for transforming thoughts. This responsible attitude is highly recommended by the poet. Javanese teachings provide both theoretical and practical guidance. The teaching relies on sociological, historical and philosophical aspects. Javanese empirical data and facts offer local wisdom.

The experience of scientific transformation was carried out by the ancestors. Javanese literature should be used as a teaching for all the younger generation. The future of humans should always pay attention to aspects of education and culture (Ajip Rosidi, 2009: 17). Therefore, for parents the element of teaching gets the main attention.

Youth can pay attention to the environment around them. According to kasepuhan, everyone needs to strive for drajat, pangkat, semat. Young people need to pay attention to this. Let's pay attention to the Javanese advice in the Maskumambang song. Perhaps suitable as material for reflection.


Sasmitane sang wiku, 

tanggap ing ati,

nira kang waskitha,

lelejeme sang asung sih,

sayekti minulyeng jagad

It means: 

teacher symbol responded,

with a wise heart,

and love,

Make the world glorify.

The interpretation above is worth pondering. The future is faced with diligent study and hard work. The development of the next generation is described in the writing column entitled Hunting Opportunities in Narrowness. Hope for the future is always bright.

Young people as the next generation should really try. This description contains suggestions about persistence (Umar Kayam, 1994: 235). The children of the king's descendants live the teachings of their ancestors. For example, they read superior literature. The goal of all of that is to get him lucky. In society it is always respected. Hard work leads to success.

Therefore it needs deep attention. In the field of work more professional. Appreciation for achievements brings happiness. This spiritual reflection makes a balance between the physical and the spiritual. Cultural creativity is always continuous.

Javanese traditional leaders have awareness. Palace works become valuable reading for the people around the palace, which is centered in the village of Solo (Abdul Gafur, 1993: 8). Teachings in literature are written in macapat songs that are learned by the Javanese people. Especially as a provision to carry out scientific transformation for youth.

E. Conclusion

The next generation is the inheritor of culture. The development of young people needs to pay attention to all elements. Humanities education for youth is useful for forming quality characters.

The inheritance of noble values should be carried out from generation to generation. Of course adapted to the situation and conditions. Teaching character education should be given from an early age.

Insights of classical works can be used as a reference for the formation of character. In fact, the next generation needs good mental and spiritual development.


Abdul Gafur, 1993. Siti Hartinah Soeharto, Ibu Utama Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Citra Lamtoro Gung Persada

Ajip Rosidi, 2009. Masa Depan Budaya Daerah. Jakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Francis Wahono, 2001. Kapitalisme Pendidikan Antara Kompetisi dan Keadilan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Ignas Kleden, 1987. Sikap Ilmiah dan Kritik Kebudayaan. Jakarta: LP3ES

Jazuli, 2013. Sosiologi Seni. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu

Koentjaraningrat, 2002. Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan. Jakarta: Gramedia 

Krisnina Maharani A Tanjung, 2015. Keraton Kasunanan: Kisah Kebangsaan dari Solo. Jakarta: Yayasan Warna-warni Indonesia 

Marbangun Hardjowirogo, 1979. Adat Istiadat Jawa. Bandung: Padma

Sutiyono, 2009. Puspawarna Seni Tradisi dalam Perubahan Sosial Budaya. Yogyakarta: Kanwa Publisher

Suwardi, 2015. Revolusi Mental dalam Budaya Jawa. Yogyakarta: Narasi

Umar Kayam, 1994. Sugih Tanpa Bandha. Jakarta: Grafiti


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